True Love

I know I've blabbed on and on about my favorite band, The Avett Brothers, but I think it is time to do it again. Especially since they announced they are coming to Everett AND Salem over the summer. My goal is to go to both shows, but I doubt that will be possible. I am looking for people to go with, so if you wanna, let me know!

I can't describe my love for this band. Scott and Seth Avett have crazy talent and passion for their music, you can see it in every live performance. Their music is country bluegrass without being annoying and in your face, its easy. When the two harmonize, it is a miracle. Every. Single. Time. It also helps that Scott is probably the most attractive man I have ever seen in my entire life. Something about his style and that beard, I die. A little bit of banjo goes a long way.

Paranoia in B-Flat Major, one of their more energetic songs

Gettin' Crafty

In the spirit of spring, I decided to do a little arts and crafts project to spruce up my dorm. One of my goals is to become more creative in my spare time. To supply my endevor, I went to the mecca of adorable crafting, Paper Source. I spent way too much time in that store, talking with employees and looking through all the prints. I may or may not have been late to class.... Don't tell.

Being a generally unartistic person made this seemingly easy project difficult. I wanted to cut out my name in big sparkly pink letters, and it took me numerous tries to get the block letters just the way I wanted them. They look very amateur, but overall I think they turned out okay. I also wanted to make a little flag garland out of the excess paper I had, and I am really proud of how it turned out. So simple and cute.

Finished Product:

I think I done did a good job! The day I get my own apartment, I will be a crafty creation fiend.

Spring Term Bitches

This is my forced happy face. Its the start of a new term, which is always exciting. A fresh start with new classes is always nice, but after time its the same old procrastination stress routine. I decided to wear this floral westerny button up dress to show how desperate I am for beautiful spring weather in Portland. It is somewhat sunny today, but there are tons of grey clouds, which makes me want to hit something. In other news, I am wearing four different stud earrings because I can never keep the pairs together. I am a mess.

On a completely unrelated and profanity laced note, I miss Skins UK like no other. I've watched every single episode of every single season, and I am going through withdrawls. That show is my life. One of my personal favorite moments, comes from a fiery ginger, Katie Fitch. She is my spirit animal, I wish I was as badass as she is. Here is her best moment of all time. God, I love her.

Stuff I Want Sunday!

This weathered vintage sofa. While it probably isn't the most comfortable thing in the world, it sure as hell is adorable. Oh, and I could also use a bajillion throw pillows to brighten up my dorm.

A manicure. I want cute nails like this, I am not even sure how someone would go about painting my little baby nails with that much detail.

Vintage Zooey Deschanel inspired dresses from Mod Cloth. But honestly, I just want everything from that site.

Platinum white blonde hair like one of my blog loves, Kelli Murray. Though I could never, ever pull it off like she could, or keep up with nasty roots, I will forever dream.

Etsy Shop

I could browse Etsy for hours, it is decided. That website is full of such creative, talented people, and I would like to buy everything. The shop I am obsessing over today is Meadowlark, which has lovely romantic prints of gorgeous girls holding random things. I quite enjoy it. They also sell teacups that are super girly and fun, I would like to drink my extremely cheap lemon zinger tea out of that any day.


Ahh! I stopped blogging again, stupid spring break! I promise you once I am back in school, blogging will take over my life again, thanks to all the crazy procrastination I do. This spring break has been an interesting one. Through all of the dentist appointments, hangin' with friends, scary driving in Seattle experiences, and cuddle sessions with my puppies, it is safe to say that I love my life, no matter how stressful it can be.

Extremely attractive picture of Ashley and myself

Today I went to Seattle with my parents for lunch, a serious discussion, and touring of a possible new school in the fall. It was exciting and I may have cried at the beautiful fancy french restaurant we went to, which wasn't embarrassing at all :/ Luckily, it was a beautiful day, and Pike's Place Market was gorgeous and good smelling. I really do love Portland, but I think Seattle will always be number one in my heart. What really blows my mind is the fact that I could be living in North Carolina or New Jersey right now. Thank god my parents moved to the Northwest before they had me, or I would be an extremely different person.
The view of Seattle from the waterfront and Post Alley

Salmon Tartine at Cafe Campagne in Post Alley is fishy heaven


Meet Phoebe, aka Meow Meowz, and Riley, aka Jingle Pants. The loves of my life, sleeping on my bed, being precious angels. Their personalities are so incredibly different it is insane. Riley is dopey and sweet and drooley and adorable. Phoebe on the other hand, is psychotic and mischievous and kinda sexy. I've always thought black cats have this crazy intrigue about them.Now as cute as they look sleeping on my bed, it won't be fun trying to get a good nights rest to head over to the DMV tomorrow at 7 am.

Kitty Cat Eyes

I never really talk about makeup, because I feel like I fail at it the majority of the time, but there is one thing that I keep going back to, winged eyeliner. I love it so much, I really don't know what other type of eye makeup I would ever do. I just think it is so classic and sexy and also very minimal. When you wear winged eyeliner you don't have to wear much else, it stands on its own. I even wore winged eyeliner to prom, my love will never die.

As far as liquid eyeliner goes, I've stuck with two different brands since I've started wearing makeup. Tarte liquid eyeliner is pricy, at 22 dollars. But I can honestly say I have never used a better product in my life. It lasted forever, and does not smudge at all. Its also really easy to draw on your eyes with, which I always have trouble with because I constantly have the jitters. Currently I am using Maybelline Lash Stiletto Liquid Eyeliner, which works just dandy too!


Since I've been home, I've done a lot. I am on the hunt for a summer job, maybe a full time job (more on that later,) I've hung out with my favorite people, I've gotten my teeth cleaned, I've eaten delicious home cooked food, and I have watched a lot of TV. All things I have missed since going to Portland.

Tomorrow, I am going to get my hair done. And, surprise! I am going back to blonde. I miss it so much. I've had my hair pretty much every normal color under the sun, and blonde has been my favorite. I am pretty sure I am going to get some pink put back in it too.


I am taking a hiatus from blogging for a while! I have not been posting much due to the fact that I am home and I am trying to get as much out of my time in Woodinville as possible, and believe me, I have :)

I Can Do It (Maybe Not)

Oh hello Art History final that is tomorrow that I am going to probably do terribly on. Despite the fact that I've made a bangin' study guide (though in black and white because the computer lab's printers are terrible) and am really trying, I just don't feel like anything is sticking. I am trying to not get too disappointed in my lack of intelligence for this class, but I am just sticking to the belief that some people are just not meant for some things. And if this means that I will just stick to admiring art than memorizing all its little details, okey dokey.

Though I will be happy that class is over, I still love some of the art we looked at. Especially pieces from the Pre-Raphaelite era. All of the paintings seem so dreamy and out of a fairy tale.


Oh man, I am about to take a really good nap. I had an exam at 8 AM this morning, and I think I aced it. I also got my research paper back, and I got an A on it! Go me! I've kind of been slumming around all day, drinking coffee and cleaning and listening to music and such. Coffee makes me tired, not cool. It has also been raining all day, perfect nap weather. I deserve this nappy.

How pretty is this? I've been saving glass bottles and jars, I want to do something similar in mah dorm room. Springy girly sexy room decorating. Holla!

Another One Bites the Dust....

So my roommate moved out today. She is moving across the country to live with her 29 year old boyfriend that she has met once.. really, don't get me started on the craziness that whole deal is. The moment she left I decided to re-arrange my entire room to make ME happy! I pushed the beds together and now I have a mondo giant comfy sleep space. It is the best thing in the world. I also have the whole closet to myself. Which means half of the closet is devoted to my shoes! So wonderful. Hopefully I will not get too lonely :(

Born This Way

you guys. my head feels like it is going to explode from all the studying I've done. It literally is throbbing and miserable. I am taking a study break by watching youtube videos from my husband, Steve Kardynal. Seriously, he is life.

Stuff I Want Sunday!

Look at that kitchen. It is the cutest damn thing I've ever seen in my entire life. I love the whole shabby chic look, with a lot of white and light pink and flowers. So girly. No man would ever want to live there, so looks like I am going to be forever alone. Buuuuut, if I do find someone who will live with me in my pink cottage of femininity, I would probably marry them in that vintage wedding dress.

Cupcakes also sound wonderful right now. Lots of rich cupcakes to get me through all of the studying I am going to embark on. Crazy happenings last night result in me sleeping in far too late, which will result in one extremely late night for me to study for my final tomorrow. Joy.

But for now I will sit in my room with my too strong coffee and attempt to study for the hell of a week that might actually take my life. On a sidenote, the grey outside has made me feel grey. Why am I so pale? Remember when I used to get spray tans? Portland has changed me.