My Personal Style

This is seriously the most awkward, self-indulgent, silly blog post ever. I am kind of embarrassed. But a few people asked for it, so here we go.

Its no secret that I like to change my appearance up. My hair goes through hell all the time, though I am trying to stop that, I like being ginger. I like to mess around with makeup, though half the time I fail miserably. Most of all, my style is constantly changing. Entering middle school I was a die hard Hot Topic girl, then Freshman year I switched it up and had a deep passion for all things Hollister (bless my heart.) In high school I started trying all sorts of things, shopping at Forever 21, Urban Outfitters, BP.. normal stuff. Now, after a few years of experimenting, I think I finally know what I like.

Bloggers like Elsie Larson of A Beautiful Mess, have seriously inspired me. Her style, which I would describe as retro, vintage, quirky, feminine (the list goes on) is something I think about every time I go shopping. Elsie has inspired me to go thrift and vintage shopping more, or at least look for clothing that is timeless. There are countless other women that inspire my style. Zooey Deschanel, obviously, Charity Rose Thielen, Katy Perry in the beginning of her career, etc. So here goes nothing. The most awkward photobooth pictures of all time, showing off the awesome things I got at the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale :)

please excuse my messy bedroom, its a work in progress

This is the outfit I am wearing today, and these are probably my favorite purchases! The top I got at BP, I love the collar, it goes with about a bajillion things and makes an outfit look put together and proper. The high waisted shorts I got at Free People for.... wait for it.... 20 dollars!! It was marked down three times. A miracle.

dress from BP. Cringing over that pose. Duck face for life.

skirt from BP. This is my favorite style of skirt, with buttons down the front and a bit longer of a length. Cuter than any denim mini skirt.

oh, this top. It is huge and billowy and pretty much a lace cape but I love it.

1 comment:

  1. hi, I LOVE THAT SKIRT! i've been looking at nordstrom's sale online since I can't go there before august & I couldn't find anything I liked, and I don't think I saw this skirt.

    PS I totally dig your style, you're too chic & cool! haha <3 <3
