Happy Birthday!

Tomorrow is the 4th of July, which is also my dad's birthday! Exciting! I am making him a really nice gigantic picture frame for his new office, and I think he will love it. I am using a lot of pictures he has never really had a chance to enjoy, because they are on my computer, so I hope it is special to him.

Last night, before I went out, my friend and I enjoyed some less than stellar mixed drinks. ( I am talking ice, cranberry juice, lemonade and bacardi just blended together, not so yummy.) While sippin' on those, we were watching Animal Planet, which had some show on about cute dogs. This was the winner of the cutest dog award, and I just about died. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. what kind of puppy is that? IT IS TOO CUTE! i want it, not because of the whistling, but because it's super duper cute...
