
I have been on such a Tina Fey kick right now. I have less and less been idolizing Katy Perry (even though I will always love her) and have been obsessing over this funny ladiez. Because lets be honest, she is real. And she is sexy. And she is smart as hell and hilarious. And we seriously need more women like her for girls to look up to. Think about it. Since Tina left SNL, it has not been the best. Without another one of my heros Kristin Wiig, it would be a disaster. She was talented enough to land a spot on Weekend Update, which since Amy left, has been done alone by Seth Meyers. Also, Tina Fey wrote Mean Girls. How many times have you seen that damn movie? I am sure you can almost quote it word for word. Without Tina, we would never know that Damien's Nana takes her wig off when she is drunk. Without Tina, I would have so much time left on my hands because I wouldn't watch every damn episode of 30 Rock in Netflix. Tina also wrote an amazing new autobiography, called Bossypants. If it wasn't 27 dollars at Powell's I would go out and buy it right now. But I did spend the other day in Powells reading it for about 2 hours, and the parts I read were hilarious. Absolutely brilliant. Go read it.

so hard to choose a Liz Lemon moment. I love them all.


  1. i so want to read this book! tina fey is my hero! thanks for this post--you are right on!


  2. tina fey is absolutely wonderful! and i adore her so much for being awesome but i have to give props to her peer and equally just as amazing SNL buddy amy poehler who is on parks and rec..she is also seriously amazing...who by the way is married to job who was on arrested development...amazing couple!

