Cath Kidston

While procrastinating my little heart out, ( so much for productiveness) I found this amazing British store, Cath Kidson. This brand pretty much has everything, from apparel to iphone cases, and I want it all. They also sell fabric, which would be wonderful for when I start making tote bags again this summer! It is beyond girly and floraly, which is my favorite. If I had an iphone, I would buy one of those cases right away, so cute. I might just have to save up my money for that floral backpack, my North Face backpack is too rugged and manly for my liking :)

far left.. I need that. I don't even care if I don't have an Iphone.

Vintage inspired dresses

Floral bags! Floral bags! I LOVE FLORAL BAGS.


  1. The iPhone cases are adoooorable! Haven't seen them around here, but if I do, I'll definitely grab one!

  2. Okay I kind of really want that last bag. Where can I get it?

  3. Google to the rescue. I probably should have thought of that first, huh?

    There is some cute stuff on that site! Nice find.

  4. I want those dresses SO adorable.
