Setting Goals

There is no use in preaching about how important goals are in life, because it is kind of a no-brainer that they are the ultimate motivator. Goals to me get me excited, and focused. But sometimes, even when I write goals down and plan them out, they just sit there, and I never achieve them, because I can be lazy. In the next few months, this is gonna change! I've written long term goals, down for the next year or so, and short term for the summer. I won't share all of them, because some get a bit personal (though I know you would all love to know the weird stuff) but I will share some.

Obligatory mid-goal writing photobooth session

Summer Goals
  • Get a job and save at least 3/4ths of all of my earnings. This to me is the most important. Last summer, I had a job, buuuuut, I wasn't so good at the saving money part of it. A year later, I feel like I am a bit wiser, and there will be more things I must pay for in the next year. Git r done.
  • Expand my sewing skills. I love sewing tote bags, and they are pretty good, if I do say so myself. I would like to see what else I am capable of.
  • Read more! I've gotten a bajillion book suggestions, and once I get my ass down to the library to pay my millions of dollars of fines, I will start reading. I swear.
  • No more messin' with my hair. No dying, no hot styling tools. I need to treat my hair with respect, and for the last year, I have been messin' around with it a little too much
  • LET LOOSE. It is Summer 2011 after all ;)
Long Term Goals
  • Get a job working in a local clothing boutique in Portland. No Forever 21, no Urban Outfitters, something independently owned.
  • Plan out my half sleeve tattoo. I won't be getting it for a very long time, not until after I am married, if that is ever in the cards for me. But I want to have something I am confident on for a few years before I take the plunge.
  • Keep my overall college GPA above a 3.3 and my major GPA above 3.0. I've never really been a strict academic student, but I know this time it is really important.
  • Take advantage of all Portland has to offer. Go to more live concerts, eat local foods, bike and hike more, get to know the city more. PDX is too beautiful to take for granted.


  1. gosh you sound so much more motivated than me.. woof. I am just trynna get through my days at work. ok but for reals we should do this giveaway of a tote bag if you are still in on that idea. it would be so cooooool.

  2. oh and, one of my goals is the opposite of yours: ruin the shit out of my hair.
