Hands Across Hawthorne

Last week, a gay couple was walking across the Hawthorne Bridge, holding hands. Out of nowhere they were brutally attacked by three ignorant assholes. When I first heard this I was shocked. Hate crimes like this are not supposed to happen in a place like Portland, but it did. So, last night, a week after the incident, the city of Portland came together. The Hands Across Hawthorne Event was thrown together quite quickly, and it was amazing. We got to the park and the mass of people there was inspiring. Mayor Sam Adams was there, and the victims of attack gave a speech that was so beautiful. The couple was adorable also, so stylish and sweet and undeserving of the horrible thing that happened to them. After the speech, the mass of people was directed to the Hawthorne Bridge, spanning both sides. We all held hands and sang I Wanna Hold Your Hand by the Beatles. The overwhelming turn out and support at the event was amazing, cars driving by were honking, everyone was so friendly and excited. I am so glad I went, despite the freezing rain and masses of homework I have. Seeing a community come together is really a beautiful thing.

This picture isn't in black and white. It was actually that grey and miserable.
my awesome stylin' friends holding hands

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